Lung Cancer increasing in women!?

As if women don’t have enough to worry about, new data published in JAMA Oncology (Jemal A, Schafer EJ, Sung H, et al. The Burden of Lung Cancer in Women Compared With Men in the US. JAMA Oncol. Published online October 12, 2023. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2023.4415) find more women aged 35 to 54 years old are diagnosed with lung cancer than similarly aged men. This is especially true in non-smokers for unclear reasons. Lung cancer diagnoses have decreased in men due to improvements in smoking cessation and decreased exposures in the workplace but this does not explain the increased diagnoses in women.

Unfortunately, we still spend less money studying lung cancer in women than men. When do we stop forgetting if it wasn’t for women, the human race wouldn’t survive.

‘Cause no woman should die of lung cancer.


2023 Lung Cancer Awareness Month!


Every 2 minutes and 12 seconds…Lung Cancer Diagnosis!